Becky is an author and a part time book seller. She used to be an elementary school librarian. In meeting her, maybe you can tell how she came to write her books.


She was born in Grafton, Massachusetts and grew up in a large, old farmhouse. There were barns and farm buildings that she used as clubhouses. There were fields and forests where she explored. When she played with her little dolls, she made toothpick log cabins for them and sailed the dolls down the stream on homemade boats. She built tree houses and she had a million pets…well, maybe not a million, but she had a lot: cats and many kittens, dogs and a few puppies, chameleons, parakeets, canaries, fish, hamsters, turtles, and rabbits. Snakes, rats, and mice were NEVER part of her family zoo, though. They were pests, definitely not pets!


Sometimes she played yarn games with her kittens. More often, she took walks in the woods with her dogs. Sometimes she picked blueberries in the clearing, but more often she put on plays with her sisters on the old stage above the garage. Sometimes Becky and her sister played with their blind friend Sherry. In summer, Becky and her family traveled to Cape Cod to play in the ocean. And in winter, she went north to ski in the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire.


Today Becky lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She has two grown children. Her husband Dave is an artist and paints pictures of beautiful places. Becky's family travels to Montana and Idaho in the summer where they love exploring wild places. They enjoy being outdoors together, and once they even spent a year in the Bahamas living in a house on the beach.